Thursday, 30 July 2015

A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) (Mystery) (Action) (Drama)

I would not say that this is a typical Liam Neeson movie. This one's a bit more darker, more quieter, The mystery lets us follow it with flow, But I really hoped know...more.....cus it's Liam Neeson...Come one! Give him a break! Not every movie can be a Taken or A-Team.

The Way Way Back (2013) (Drama) (Family)

When I say 'Family', everyone's definition of Family can vary a bit, so do check out the imdb parental advisory if you wish. But I would suggest this movie for all kids and teenagers, and even adults for a change, as it is a feel-good movie that brings out the small and big thorns that we all are pricked with sometime in our life, And reminds us how we grew over it, what our innocent wishes were, and how we learnt to still embrace the beauty of life. Ok, I sound too philosophical now! Good movie to watch, worth the time. Sayonara!

Death Factory (2014) (Horror) (Crime)

Is this a remake or something? I pretty much got the feel of a mockbuster. Some aspects and scenes are really silly. I mean, you lost me at the magical shit. Anyways, in the end, I take it as my job to tell you whether a movie is watchable or not, according to me, and for this one, I would say horror and gore fans, lessen your expectations and you will be able to get through it. If the poster tells you about some legendary horror tale, then my friend, "everything they told you was a lie!", 
Apollo 18 (2011) (Found Footage Horror)

The one thing that I loved about this flick was the element of mystery and "Is this shit really real?" suspense blasts. Watching it, gives you a dark sort of feeling and it really pulls you in its stream of horror. The reason why I am not giving it a thumbs up is that it's not much of a shocker, although the idea of the plot is interesting. It could have been much much better. I started expecting more. Horror fans, surely you have a chance of having a good time. For other people, you might, you might not.
End of Watch (2012) (Drama) (Crime) (Footage)

This should be dedicated to all the cops who have a different kinda life that is fully committed to the society and has its really harsh consequences. A big salute! To point out, this blockbuster might sometimes seem to be dragging on, but that's just a feeling you can easily ignore. The story progresses by gradually embedding us into it, and reveals the harsh facts of real life. This is like a realistic version of all the cop-detective exaggerated action flicks.
Age of Ice (2014) (Mockbuster)

Someone said, "If you have two hours to waste, watch paint dry". Yes, it's that bad! According to the plot, it could've been the next "2012" like apocalyptic-disaster movie. But they just had to make a mockbuster. Several scenes and mistakes that will actually make you laugh. Maybe they did it intentionally, that's why a 'mock'-buster.

Stretch (2014) (Action) (Drama) (Crime) (Comedy)

The one thing that I loved about this movie was the lead character's role. The way he was so dedicated to change his life for good, is an inspiration. It isnt any fantasy tale, which makes it something unique. 

Thunder and the House of Magic (2013) (Animated Drama) (Comedy)

Animated movies mostly never disappoint. At first I used to avoid them, as my cartoon days were over, then I started watching them and realized they are actually pretty good for a change. All that action, emotion, drama and a straight-forward story. 

Into the Woods (2014) (Musical) (Fantasy) (Drama)

Damn, it got really high ratings. How? ...You do a really good musical, you mix all fantasy stories, and then you suddenly take off to be damn realistic! You dont need to stick to the status quo, that doesnt mean you can invite children and then send them home crying. Spoiler! My bad! I was just trying to do good for the society.
Anyways, this Disney movie , like others, is a real good entertainer. Sorry, not getting my thumbs up this time. Just my personal opinion.

Pitch Perfect (2012) (Comedy) (Musical-Acapella) (Drama)

Many have watched it. But no one talks about it. Pitch Perfect 2 was recently in theaters. A show full of comedy, drama, sexy girls talks, singing, silly comedy, anna kendrick, cups song that takes place for like about hardly a few seconds, sexy girls talks, anna kendrick, and yes sexy girls talks. Fun to watch, like those light teenage romedies. (romantic comedies).

Djinn (2013) (Horror)

A really typical sort of horror screenplay. Ok I admit it, it was entertaining to watch. Nothing more to say. It reminded me of the old horror flick days, like wishmaster movies, but this one was more darker and on a serious pace. Wishmaster was comedy. 

Bigfoot County (2012) (Found Footage Horror)

I'm gonna give spoilers now. Yo! What the f**k! The cover says, "They do exist." like every other bigfoot movie, yeah, even now bigfoot himself will appear and say "Yeah they all get it, I exist!" . The entire movie for actually nothing much on bigfoot, only a few scenes. What were you trying to do? Be realistic? I was made to watch a gay rape scene, do you know how gross that is for a person who is seriously sexually straight! Anyways, I watched this movie in the first place only because I find found footage movies the most spooky genre. 
The Theory of Everything (2014)  (Biography) (Romance) (Drama)

Ok, this one's a multi-award winner, and apparently doesnt have a place on this blog. Yet I wanna make some comments about this movie to the people who havent watched it yet. The acting's amazing! Superbly amazing! The plot is the true story of physicist Stephen Hawking. But, personally I found that the movie's duration was insufficient for them to explain things properly. I mean, if you havent read much about Stephen Hawking's life, then you might see that question mark of doubt standing in front of you a few times. Good that we all have married Google. But its a great inspiration for all of us to persevere  no matter what comes, to acheive what we believe is our life's goal. And yes, to make the correct choices and having the right people around you, is a blessing to be strived for.

Monday, 27 July 2015

The Pact II (2014) (Mystery) (Crime) (Horror)

Damn! The Pact film movies are starting to seem like a darker horror version of the Wild Things now. And yes, they are pretty sexy. Ofcourse, they lie in the horror genre so you cant expect it to be all-the-time boom-boom action like the Wild Things, but definitely worth a watch! I must say I liked the previous film more (The Pact (2012) ) which is why I eagerly watched this one. Definitely it could have been better, but that's okay, I had a good time.

3096 Days (2013) (Biography) (Crime)

Warning: Not appropriate for all audiences, as there are many scenes of nudity and brutality.
The true story of a girl who was help captive by a troubled rich man for more than eight years. I never found the point of watching such movies as we know that many people disappear without a trace and are abused in an extreme way. But watching this movie refreshed the dark behaviour of this world and how the girl, even after 8 years has the will to escape to her parents, and so she did, in reality! In what ways people can keep someone trapped that even the police couldn't find out. No one's to blame except the personal problems of families. They are so troubled by their own issues that they forget to carefully look out for their little innocent kids. Happens but it does not have to be this way. This is what the movie reminds me of, that if we carefully look out for each other, we can keep everyone safe from such experiences, but unfortunately, this will probably never be in practice and will remain a fairy tale wish.
Burying the Ex (2014) (Fantasy) (Comedy) (Horror)

Again, honestly, I started watching this only for Daddario, but I must say I had a real good time. Nothing much to boast about, but obviously, if you're here on my blog you don't expect that much greatness too. The movie was a big ride of action. Some cheesy moments, some sexy moments, some Daddario moments, not a big waste for me.
"Thank you"
"Go to hell!"

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Concrete Blondes (2013) (Crime) (Comedy) (Drama)

Why say blonde when you can just say stupid? Cus its more trendy that way! I didnt expect this one to make a place in my memory. Yet, it managed to! It isnt much, but its something more than you would expect naturally. Not much lesbo action, if you were hoping so...#NoSpoilers #NoSpoilers #NoSpoilers!!
 There is only one reason I didnt give it a thumbs up, but that would be a spoiler! 
You want my advice, it will tell you a twisted story, thats all I can say!

Case 39 (2009) (Mystery) (Horror)

Big Budget Actors!! The thumbs up that I gave is not just for the entangling story, but also that this movie acts as one of the proofs that known and high paid actors usually star in an actual entertainer, not a B grade movie, as they say. There are elements in the movie that are predictable and very simple, but also those elements that make it a respectable blockbuster.

The Pyramid (2014) (Horror) (Adventure)

One of the most interesting movies of all time that will just suck you in, The horror not only gets hotter, but also has meaning with it. I personally enjoyed the time spent with this one, as it is more of an adventure than a horror, and gives you no reason to turn your back on it.

The Host (2013) (Fiction) (Adventure) (Drama)

Ok now, just to be clear, this isnt at all an unusual movie, but I am posting this as I, personally haven't heard about it and watched it after finding it on my own. Okay I live in a weird place!  At the start, things seemed slow and boring. Fortunately, that didnt continue. The adventure and the intensity of the story quickly hiked up, not to forget the romance and drama. It turned out to be a feel-good movie that will, after its over, leave a good impression on you. Well, dont be a critic when no one is paying you, just enjoy it, you'll be happy :-)
The Strangers (2008) (Thriller)

Inspired by true events, the entire focus is on the thrill, the horror, and a little bit of a drama. The action many a times seems pointless and just filled up. There isn't  much to the story. It acts as just a big reminder that this can happen with anyone, so watch out, wherever you are, it isn't always safe. Overall, as much disappointed I am by the movie, I also enjoyed watching it for a change and the spooky chumps.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

20 mockbusters that top the list of the same

  Rudie Obias posted this on, I really appreciate this post as it is a major knowledge bomb. I got to know about mockbusters after watching a few when I was like "Why the heck did I just waste my time!". Not all mockbusters are a bore. But if you're not up for any experimenting time, then please read its reviews first and then decide. 2 minutes of research is better than 2 hours of disappointment.
   By that I dont mean any offence to mockbusters, but they aren't just everybody's thing. That's why I decided to give you all this little piece of advice.